Bob van Iersel

The portfolio of an industrial designer who is a jack of all trades, and aims to become a master of some 💡️

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The portfolio of an industrial designer who is a jack of all trades, and aims to become a master of some.

Relive / Dropsquare

Adding immersive 3D audio to every video you shoot

Company: Fairphone, YES!Delft, Dropsquare
Year: 2017
Key activities: Market Research, Sketching, Rapid Prototyping, User Testing, Packaging Design, UI Design, Market Validation*, PCBA Design*, Design for Manufacturing*

*when the graduation project finished, the Relive was admitted to the YES!Delft LaunchLab incubation program, where it was rebranded as Dropsquare.

    The goal of my graduation project was to determine opportunities for Fairphone to expand their portfolio and develop and validate a concept that deserves to carry the Fairphone name. 

    The relive are modular headphones that can record binaural audio when shooting a video with your mobile phone. This adds a 3D sound effect to videos, allowing the viewer to experience the recorded moment more lifelike, as if he was there.

    This perfectly fits the current market, where new ways to immerse the consumer into different types of content are being explored (e.g. virtual reality, 360 degree video).

    The accompanying app allows users to effortlessly record and share binaural audio and video. The app contains a section with curated or popular videos that are not only experiential, but also informative in line with Fairphone’s mission or other sustainable initiatives.