Bob van Iersel

The portfolio of an industrial designer who is a jack of all trades, and aims to become a master of some 💡️

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The portfolio of an industrial designer who is a jack of all trades, and aims to become a master of some.

    I like making things. From bike lights to scooters, from cheesy love poems to phone apps, from headphones to jewellery: I have made a lot of different stuff over the years, some of which can be found here.

    I am a big fan of contact sports. I used to be a fanatic rugby player, but I recently switched to boxing.

    My superpower? I turn red like a tomato by the slightest hint of discomfort. Still, this never prevented me to claim a spot on the stage: playing my alto-saxophone or acting in the schoolplay back in the days, and presenting in front of crowds in the years thereafter.

Oh sorry, were you looking for a resume?